Telstra Super

Connecting with members
around the country.

The theme to commemorate Telstra Super’s 20 Year Annual Report was ‘Connection’. Working in collaboration with X2 Design, WordSauce was commissioned to meet up face to face and profile a colourful selection of the superannuation fund’s members, in order to relay their individual stories. Travelling across the country, we interviewed and photographed a retired electrician in Darwin, a young mum on a farm in the Clare Valley, an emerging entrepreneur in Melbourne and a recently arrived Filipino family in Perth. Upon completion of the member case studies, four photo-journalistic style stories were crafted, representing the diversity of the superannuation fund’s Australia-wide membership. The stories were featured within an evocatively worded and designed keepsake report well worthy of the fund’s celebrations.

Project scope
Tone of Voice
Key Messaging
Creative Campaign

Work output
Annual Report
Digital Marketing

X2 Design