
MaxxiMe. Driving your best deal.

Novated leasing giant Maxxia wanted to create a sub-brand promising its customer absolute, hassle-free buying power when purchasing a car. Research insights identified the need to develop a creative strategy that spoke directly to the individual, leveraging a contemporary tone of voice that was both simple to understand and easy to read. Our end solution ensured the new MaxxiMe brand was customer driven – beginning with establishing a warm, personable name, adding a powerful promise and extending through to a marketing campaign celebrating the emotions around the joy of having a new car. ‘That New Car Face’ was a cut-through, fun expression to getting this emotion across. The campaign continued through to a website providing essential information on the service and extensive FAQs, together with social media platforms offering competitions and opportunities for personal posts.

Project scope
Brand Development
Creative Campaign
Key Messaging
Tone of Voice

Work output
Brand Story
Company Name
Digital Marketing
Mailchimp EDMs
Positioning Line
Print Marketing

R-Co Brand